Kota's Militia
Kota's Milita
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General Information | |
Organization Type |
Military/Paramilitary |
Scale |
10 (multiple planets |
Founder(s) |
Master Rahm Kota |
Leader(s) |
General Rahm Kota |
Historical Information | |
Formed From |
Founding |
22 BBY |
Other Information | |
Era(s) | Rise of the Empire Era |
Affiliation |
- Era: Rise of the Empire Era
- Source: TFU
During the Clone Wars, one of the greatest generals among the Jedi was Master Rahm Kota. A distinguished commander who instilled confidence in his troops, General Kota served with distinction on several fronts. However, Master Kota did not have confidence in clone soldiers and instead surrounded himself with dedicated warriors from throughout the galaxy. In the end, it was this mistrust of the clones that saved his life; when Order 66 was given, a squad of Antarian Rangers in his service was notified and managed to ferry Kota and many of his soldiers into hiding. When the Empire rose and took control of the galaxy, Kota and his loyal armsmen remained in hiding, emerging only to execute carefully planned strikes against the Empire.
Kota's Militia is composed of a small number of troops that served with General Kota during the Clone Wars, as well as many new recruits who have flocked to his banner over the years. Though small in number, the members of Kota's Militia fight with the competence of hardened soldiers, and thanks to the unique insights of their commander they typically emerge victorious even from missions when they are clearly outnumbered. It is not the most elite unit of soldiers in the galaxy, but Kota's Militia shows the kind of dedication to Master Kota that most commanding officers would love to have from their followers. Through careful planning, following orders precisely, and a good amount of bravery, Kota's Militia has managed to survive for years despite being the target of Imperial searches.
Kota's Militia targets the Empire in all its forms, with missions ranging from attacking TIE fighter construction facilities to raiding local arms warehouses. Clandestine in its activities, Kota's Militia has operated for years right under the watchful eyes of the Empire. Less well organized and with fewer resources than the Rebel Alliance will have years later, Kota's Militia treats every mission as though it could be the organization's last. Needless to say, Kota's Militia rarely rushes into any situation, preferring instead to plan for any eventuality lest the organization fall due to fatal mistakes.
Enemies and Allies
Kota's Militia has a single primary enemy: the Galactic Empire. More to the point, General Kota tends to pick targets that are of significance to Darth Vader; one mission might involve destroying a factory that Vader recently visited, while another might require the militia to steal a shuttle that Vader used as a personal transport. Additionally, since a Jedi leads the organization, the Inquisitorius has taken a personal interest in Kota's Militia. Many Inquisitors have dedicated large amounts of time to finding Rahm Kota and his agents, and they would like nothing more than to crush Kota's Militia under their boot heels.
Roleplaying Applications
Joining Kota's Militia is much like joining the Rebellion (though of course the Rebel Alliance will not exist for many years to come). Members of Kota's Militia are outlaws, having thrown their lot in with the fugitive Jedi, and will find themselves hunted throughout the galaxy. Moreover, because Kota's Militia takes overt military action against the Empire, a member of the organization will almost certainly have warrants out for his arrest - and likely bounties for his capture dead or alive. When a character joins Kota's Militia, he is throwing away any chance at having a legitimate, legal life within the confines of the Empire and dedicating himself to fighting tyranny no matter what the cost.
Organization Score Criteria
Joining Kota's Militia is only slightly more difficult than finding it. The overt action that the militia takes against the Empire requires that its members maintain secrecy at all times, and prospective members are usually sought out by existing militiamen rather than the other way around. Anyone who goes to great lengths to harm the Empire is a likely candidate for acceptance into Kota's Militia.
Positive Criteria | Organization Score Modifier |
Character Level |
+1/2 character level |
Has Force Sensitivity feat |
+1 |
Has levels in the Jedi class |
+1 |
Has levels in the soldier class |
+1 |
Has levels in the infiltrator prestige class |
+1 |
Has levels in the Jedi Knight prestige class |
+1 |
Has levels in the saboteur prestige class |
+1 |
Base attack bonus +5 or higher |
+1 |
Completes a mission for Kota's Militia |
+1 |
Defeats a major Imperial opponent |
+1/4 enemy's CL |
Destroys major Imperial supplies |
+1 per 50,000 credits value (max +5) |
Veteran of the Clone Wars (Separatist allegiance) |
+1 |
Veteran of the Clone Wars (Republic allegiance) |
+2 |
Has the Destruction destiny |
+1 |
Negative Criteria | Organization Score Modifier |
Fails on a mission assigned by General Kota |
-1 |
Captured by the Empire |
-2 |
Causes the capture of a member of Kota's Militia |
-2 |
Clone |
-2 |
Harms a Jedi who has a Dark Side Score of 3 or lower |
-5 |
Kills a Jedi who has a Dark Side Score of 3 or lower |
-20 |
Kills another member of Kota's Militia |
-20 |
Betray's General Kota's existence to the Empire |
-20 |
Titles, Benefits, and Duties
Kota runs his militia the way most generals run their armies. Being a member of Kota's Militia always brings a certain amount of responsibility with it. Members of the organization must be prepared to take orders from their superior officers at all times, and mus be willing and able to engage in dangerous missions to harm the Empire. A member of Kota's Militia will usually go on one to two missions per month, often on different worlds or even with entirely different militia members. Though members of Kota's Militia benefit from the training and guidance they receive from a Jedi Master, all members of the organization are prepared to give their lives to save the life of their leader at any time.
Rank | Score | Title | Benefits and Duties |
0 |
3 or lower |
None |
None |
1 |
4-6 |
Recruit |
New arrivals in General Kota's Militia are given the rank of recruit and being undertaking missions for the Jedi general almost immediately. A recruit in Kota's Militia can spend a Force Point as a free action to immediately move a number of squares up to his or her speed. |
2 |
7-11 |
Private |
The rank of private is an honorific that carries no mechanical benefits. |
3 |
12-20 |
Lieutenant |
Given command over squads of militia members, the lieutenants in Kota's Militia are entrusted with small amounts of authority to test their worthiness as field commanders. As a swift action, a lieutenant in Kota's Militia can allow any ally within line of sight to change the triggering conditions of any action he or she has readied. |
4 |
21-30 |
Captain |
Among General Kota's most trusted officers, the captains of Kota's Militia have proven themselves as steadfast leaders, even under fire. Once per encounter, a captain in Kota's Militia can, as a reaction, grant himself or single ally within line of sight a +5 morale bonus to Will Defense. The target of this ability must be able to see and hear the captain for it to take effect. |
5 |
31 or higher |
General |
Only a few other members of Kota's Militia have been given the rank of general aside from Master Kota himself. The generals in Kota's Militia plan all of the organization's operations and missions. Once per encounter, as a swift action, a general can designate a single ally within 6 squares and line of sight; that ally's initiative count changes to the general's initiative count -1, and the ally acts immediately once the general's turn ends. |